Clover multipurpose compost
20 litres
£4-99 per bag
Clover multipurpose compost 40 litres £5-99 per bag
Clover Multipurpose Compost
60 litres
£7-99 per bag
4 plant Grow Bags
£4-99 each
Professional Compost
75 litre bags
£9-99 per bag
100 litre Bale of Irish Peat
£11-99 each
Top Soil
25 litre bag
£5-99 per bag
Organic soil conditioner
60 litres
£8-99 per bag
Peat free Compost
40 litres
£8-99 per bag
Farmyard Manure
£6-99 per bag
3 bags for £18-00
Ericaceous Compost
40 litres
£5-99 per bag
Alpine Grit
£4-99 per bag
Sharp Sand
25kg £4-99 per bag
Blue Slate
£5-99 per bag
John Innes No.3
25 litres £6-99 per bag
Large bags of sphagnum moss
Small bags (enough for 1 hanging basket)
Doff Slug Pellets
£8-00 per bottle
Tomato Food £7-00 per bottle
Selection of ceramic pots, various sizes and colours
Autumn/Winter Flowering Pansies
£2-80 per tray or 5 trays for £13-50
Autumn/Winter flowering Violas various colours
£2-80 per tray or 5 trays for £13-50
Dianthus £2-80 per tray
Winter Hanging Basket Plants £1-75 each
Patio Cyclamen £1-75 each
Ivy 10.5cm pot £1-75 each
13cm pot £3-00 each
Perennials 2 litre pots
£7-00 each or 3 for £20
Now £3-50 each
Pieris ‘forest flame’
£7-99 each
Dwarf Japanese Azaleas
2 litre pot
£7-99 per pot
Phormiums various varieties £12-99 each
Ferns £7-99 each
Leucothoe ‘curly red’
£12-99 each
Prunus ‘Laurel’ £5-99 each
Large Prunus ‘Laurel’ £9-99 each
Photina ‘Red robin’ £5-99 each
Tetrapanax £39-99 each
Alocasia £24-99 each
Aloe ‘ Arctic Jungle ‘
£39-99 each
Skimma £5-99 each
Large Skimma £12-99 each
Various Acers
Prices are £25-00 upto £59-99 Depending on variety.
Ilex Crenata ‘box leaf holly’
Various shapes and prices
Fatshedra £14-99 each